Saturday, March 28, 2009

Dead Men Walking...Why don't you just say The Walking Dead?

Okay, well I pretty much just finished watching a movie called Dead Men Walking. As you can guess, it is a zombie movie. One of the worst I've ever seen.
Now, don't get me wrong, i ADORE zombie movies. i love brain-blasting action. However, this zombie movie was different. it stood a bad way. It's about some guy who is infected with a zombie virus gets sent to jail. why? because he killed a bunch of zombies and the police thought he made a massacre, while the guy was trying to save his family from zombies. the thing i found stupid about that is he did not make any sort of explanation up. nothing. He just shrugs and "goes off to jail like a good citizen".
Anyways, he gets the entire prison infected. So, coincidentally, this good-looking guy and this good-looking girl are also stuck in the prison, i think they were scientists. While i was watching this movie from the beginning, it seemed good. i could tell they were building up suspense for the action-packed zombie killing spree. I mean, it was a prison with guards...
Turns out i was horribly mistaken. After the zombie action starts there's a bit of "boom-boom" then for the next hour or so it's just gore. zombies eating the guards, tearing off limbs and stuff. these people must have spent like $5000 on rolls of sausages for the ketchup-stuffed intestines. IT WAS DISGUSTING. Hardly a shot was fired. And when there was gun action, you might see one zombie die then you get to watch 10 guards get eaten. As an added bonus, you get to see some other guy kill himself because he was infected. One part that really stood out was when some guy got incapacitated and couldn't walk. He sat on the ground with his gun and fired as a horde of zombies came after him. When they were about 10 ft. away, he tried to kill himself. no bullets. An obvious and quite predictable twist. The thing i found really stupid was why did the guy just not kill himself in the first place? I mean, there's no way he was going to kill all of those zombies with a handgun while crippled. What was he trying to accomplish? more importantly, was it just a futile plot by the creator of the movie to set up a "Oh, you're screwed" scene?
Other than the improbable acts of the characters in the movie, the entire storyline was a disaster as well. At first, it was some "mysterious-scientific" quest to figure out what kind of disease these guys are suffering from. In the first 10 minutes, i thought it was engaging and watched, hoping to see some kind of sick twist about the virus. Then, the action starts and i realize that plot is going nowhere. so for the next 2 hours it's watching those losers try to escape, then some guards being eaten, then the losers, then guards, then the losers...... Also, i found it strange that the losers only had a handgun and some blunt weapon whilst the guards had shotguns and rifles. yet the guards were eaten and the losers escaped unharmed. Can't people make realistic movies these days?
I forgot to tell you, there IS a twist at the end. IT'S NOT ONLY PREDICTABLE, IT'S ALSO REALLY STUPID! AS AN ADDED BONUS! The girl runs out of the building. The police were informed about the "riot" in the jail and surrounded the building. The girls runs out and smiles. She waves at a sniper, "don't shoot". He shoots. She dies.
A bad ending to an even badder movie....This is not something a person with a weak stomach should watch, but if you have a weak mind you should do fine.

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