Sunday, April 19, 2009

How come the movie Frogs! has nothing to do with Frogs?...

Sorry if it's been a while since I've posted, BUT I FINALLY FOUND A BAD MOVIE! Okay, this one's probably about 20 years old or so, but man, it stands out of all the other horrific movies made in the 80's! It's called Frogs, and I couldn't stand it, plain and simple.
Okay, so it's about a bunch of people who go to this island-type place for a vacation or something, i kinda forgot. So, the owner of the property sprayed his land with some pesticide that either mutated or enraged the "local wildlife" didn't specify, but i think in the long run no one cares anyway XD.
Now, there are a few very very stupid things i must point out. It followed the same plot of EVERY SINGLE SERIAL-KILLER movie i've seen. All the good people either survive or make it to the end, while all the "naughties" perish in some disgusting ways. In this one, that's exactly what happened. The couples that crossed the chastity gap were murdered, and the good people ran away. Now, this isn't the problem. Not at all....It's how they died that sort of bugged me.
The way it went is like this: whenever somebody was about to die, you would see a symbolic frog...Yes, a frog would be sitting ominously near them and you know they're gonna die. I'm not certain whether or not this is a metaphor, frankly i don't care, but i should get to the juicy part. They were always killed by some sort of woodland creature or reptile...Because that's not weird at all. One guy gets mobbed by chipmunks, another gets eaten by snakes. At one point i think someone gets choked by a frog in their mouth, i couldn't tell because it was such a bad quality movie. It's also the way these people acted and the filming was made that gave you the impression "WOW, these people are complete incompetent morons!" You'd see some guy crawling after something bit his leg and the he gets eaten slowly. You see someone running, get tripped by like a twig, and eaten. Everybody looked like a complete idiot. And to show their surprise, they'd go "Aaaaaaah!" and the camera would zoom in on their face.
The funny thing about the entire movie is that the frogs never really killed anyone. They were the "symbolic" beings that protected nature from the destruction of a habitat that has given them life for hundreds of years. It symbolizes their resistance to foreign powers, their epic struggle for survival. It symbolizes the Al Gore-George Bush election in some discrete way, even though it hasn't happened yet....They command their forces of nature to destroy the humans, just as Al Gore is showing us that Global Warming will disintegrate us all....OR MAYBE IT'S JUST A BAD MOVIE! Please, don't waste 2 hours of your time.
(Another weird thing is, the front cover shows a giant frog with a hand sticking out of its mouth...perhaps that is also symbolic to the movie? O.o

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Was JarHead made BY a JarHead?

It's been a few days since I've seen a really awful movie, but i found one! Well, it was a nice quiet evening and i felt like watching some intense war-action movie, so i got JarHead. It was about US marines in Kuwait during Desert Storm. It seemed pretty interesting at first, because i like guns and violence, but then its true colors started to show.
The first thing i must say about this movie was that it was IMMENSELY boring. During the entire movie, there might have been like 10 shots fired in all the action scenes. The director was obviously trying to make it some epic saga movie that showed a true "warrior's" life. For 2 and 1/2 hours, i watched soldiers patrolling around, cleaning bathrooms, and some other suggestive activities. It seemed almost to be a documentary....and i hate documentaries....I had originally expected the movie to be some US army propaganda, but it was not....which was the bad thing because government-payed movies are always better. The acting was mediocre, but there are many parts that go too fast to understand. At one moment this guy is cleaning his gun with a comrade, then the next thing you know he's about to shoot him.
The storyline was also trash. I mean, there really wasn't one. It was just him and his buddies walking around the middle east like headless chickens. Plus, you could tell most of the scenes were drawn. I don't know if this movie had some hidden semi-metaphorical message that i have yet to decipher, if it's just a movie for old war veterans, or if it's just bad. Why would you make a non-peace promoting war movie that has no violence in it? That is just a recipe for phailure. Plus, i couldn't stand the main character. I forget what actor played him, but man was he UGLY! And his stupid, monotonous voice really pissed me off.
So, i've ruled out it's not a documentary, it's not an anti-war movie (maybe a bit), and it's obviously not what is it?